Gardening Partners

of Dickson County


Gardening Partners has assembled some mixed containers from our Annual Plant Sale. You not only get some great plants arranged for you, but a pot you can use over and over. These will be for sale for a limited time, so reach out if you see something that would look great on your porch or patio!

Send an email to with the name and number of your selection and we’ll get back to you. Pickup is Dickson only during reasonable hours ( 3 am at the truckstop is not happening). Payment is cash or card.

Mixed Containers are well established in good soil and have been fertilized with a slow-release fertilizer. They will benefit from morning sun and afternoon shade as well as regular water.

See photos below and start shopping!

Marginal Plants — ZOE FURNISS

We have suggested the notion that most plants don’t like being saturated or sitting in moisture which is true although there are a handful who do. These plants were intended for water and need to be submerged in it. Often known as oxygenating plants, these plants keep unhealthy algae and weeds in abeyance. Certain plants […]

Marginal Plants — ZOE FURNISS

Welcoming Bluebirds into Your Yard

Gardening Partners & Guests

Our September meeting is upcoming – Tuesday, September 12th. The add-a-dish meal begins at 6 p.m., followed by our business meeting at 6:30 and our program at 7 p.m. Our meal theme is Wild Card! so bring whatever you like.

Gardening Partners is pleased to welcome Rosemary Chamberlain “Welcoming Bluebirds into Your Yard” as our guest lecturer.

We will also hear from member Anissa Parker on “Growing & Storing Dahlias”

Guests should pre-register at (Tickets are free and guests are welcome at the meal and business meeting). If anyone has any trouble with registration, please contact us at

20th Anniversary Celebration

Gardening Partners 20th Anniversary Celebration. It was wonderful to see old friends and welcome new ones, share a meal and garden tour, and enjoy the company of fellow gardeners. Many thanks to our hosts, Bernie & Pam Harris. We all had a great time, the food was delicious, and there were plenty of prizes to go around. A very good day for gardeners!

Enjoy the photographs! (click each photo to see the full image)

Garden Tour

Celebratory Dinner

Prizes and one last chat before we hit the road!

April 2023 Meeting

Happy Spring Gardening Partners!

April’s meeting is at TCAT on Tuesday the 11th at 6 pm. Our meal theme this month is “A Taste of Asia”. We love to see what our members come up with when we choose a meal theme, so let’s get something going on the stove! 

This month, we will be talking about our Plant Sale – plans are going well. This is something we look forward to every year; meeting new people, helping with plant choices and garden questions, and spending time with other Gardening Partners. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for good weather on Saturday, April 22nd (and no wind!). 

Andy Dennis will be presenting our 5/15 on Fermentation.

Chelsea & Anthony Vargas from Dickson Bee Club will present “Plantings to Attract Pollinators to Your Garden”. We have hosted this couple before and the talk was much enjoyed by everyone.

Jan Williams is looking for a Dappled or Variegated Willow to take cuttings from if anyone knows where one might be available.

Check the GP calendar for upcoming events and plant sales around the Middle Tennessee area. And remember to share or like our posts on Facebook – some of our members are really doing a great job – every click helps our organization be noticed online. We hope everyone is benefiting from the content shared on our page.

Don’t forget your donations for the Help Center, those are always appreciated. 

February Meeting 2023

Our meeting this month will be Tuesday the 14th at 6 pm. We meet at TCAT 740 Hwy 46S for an add-a-dish meal at 6 pm, followed by a business meeting and a program. Our meal theme this month is “Your Heart’s Desire” and our program will be a video presentation if technology agrees to indulge us. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to email at

Members are encouraged to attend as we will be discussing resuming certification of members.

Guests are welcome to join us.

January 2023

Please remember your Help Center Donation – canned or shelf-stable foods that are unopened and not expired are very much needed. Our meal theme this month: “The Secret Ingredient is…”

Our speaker this month is Susan Lyell from Restoration Rose. She is an enthusiastic and popular speaker and we are very pleased to have her. She will be bringing a selection of merchandise for sale – she accepts Venmo, Paypal, cash, or check. A special offer on soaps is available for $10 each.

A bio from her website

As a trained soap maker and expert rose gardener, Susan Lyell infuses her oils, soaps, and plant-based beauty products with rose petals right from her organic sustainable farm. The goal of Restoration Rose is to share her rose petals and knowledge to benefit your emotional and physical well-being through self care and clean beauty.

Susan realized the sense of well-being scent provided and has spent most of her life creating mood altering essential oil blends for friends and family.

Antique and heirloom roses provide a charm and fragrance that are far superior to most modern roses. They were mostly bred to be grown as garden shrubs rather than the Hybrid Tea grown for the show table. As a result, they are vigorous and healthy.

Susan set out to create a collection for her urban garden that has grown to more than 700 varieties.

A firm believer that the “scent of the rose remains, too, in the hand of the giver” Susan shares her passion for roses through her soap and skin care in the hopes that others will experience the serenity roses have given her.

“If everyone just nurtured one scented rose bush, the world would be a more peaceful place.”

Elven Treats Christmas Party

Gardening Partners & Guests

Get ready for some holiday fun on Tuesday, December 13th at 6 pm when our Elven Treats Christmas Party kicks off. We will be in the meeting room at TCAT 740 Hwy 46S (across from Lowe’s).

Attendees are encouraged to bring small bites/cocktail-type elf-sized foods to be enjoyed as we socialize (meal themes are always optional – regular human-sized foods can also be cut up into bite-sized servings). A google search for recipes suitable for an elven banquet may turn up some interesting results. Any elves who make it to the party will be welcome, but reindeer will need to remain in the parking lot area.

Although there is no program or speaker, we will have Christmas trivia on screen and Bernie may have some entertainment up his sleeve, so don’t miss out. 

If you haven’t been to a meeting lately (or ever), this is the perfect occasion to stop by, greet old friends, and make some new ones so get your jingle bells on and come party with the fun garden people. 

Please remember your donations to the Help Center – they are a blessing to our community. 

Merry Christmas to all!

November Meeting 2022

Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

Monthly meeting at TCAT Dickson 740 Hwy 46S (across from Lowe’s): Add-a-dish meal at 6 pm. Business meeting at 6:30. Program begins at 7 pm. Members, former members, and adult guests are always welcome, so come see what we have going on!

Hannah Hollowell, Forest Health Program Specialist is our guest speaker this month.

My name is Hannah Hollowell and I work for the TN Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry as the Forest Health Program Specialist. I help coordinate how we monitor and manage many of the pests and pathogens that threaten our forests here in Tennessee. I’m originally from northeast TN and enjoyed growing up in a beautiful area of the state with lots of forests and farms. I joined TDF this past fall as the forest health specialist, and have also gotten opportunities to share with others how important forestry and related natural resource management is. I love learning about the insects and other organisms present in our forests, and I enjoy getting to play a role in how we specifically manage insects or diseases that are threatening our forests. I also love sharing about these forest health threats with others to educate how we can all play a part in helping keep our Tennessee forests healthy, and how we can manage our forests for long-term sustainability.

From our featured speaker: Hannah Hollowell

Bernie Harris will also be presenting a short (15 minutes) feature on Lasagna Pots.

We will have a selection of perennials to give as prizes this month so pay attention to the dinner slideshow. (last month, it was mums)

We have some gorgeous perennials to give away this month – probably around 12 (there may be more) in quart or gallon size and one in 2-gallon size. This week is the time to plant – we are expecting more winter-like weather starting on Friday.

This is open to all attendees, but you must be present for the whole program to win.

Plant list:

Japanese Holly Fern 3x

Loropetalum 3x

Elderberry Black Beauty 2 gal 1x

Indian Hawthorne 2x

Azalea Encore 1 gal 3x

Hope to see you all there and good luck!

Guests are welcome but remember our meetings are adults only. Questions? Contact us at

Members: Don’t forget your Help Center Donation and the meal theme this month: Wraps and Rolls

We have several pieces of new business to discuss as well as planning our Christmas party for next month, so don’t miss this meeting!

October 2022 Meeting Minutes

Gardening Partners Meeting

Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Meeting time 6:00-8:00pm
Invocation and add a dish meal from 6-6:30 pm
Meeting called to order by Linda Al-Sanger@6:30pm
Business meeting from 6:30-6:45 pm
Minutes read by Shannon Beech
Treasurer’s Report: Bernie Harris
$20.00 annual fee & $125.00 for KY library donation
Fees for TCAT still due for September-December
Old & New Business:
Gro-Wild tour this Saturday,10/15/22~ Gardening Partners receive
a 10% discount on all purchases, starts at 9 am
Clean up, September 17, 2022, went well
Hydroponics tour, in McEwen, was awesome!
Bernie Harris will do an educational program for November
Let Linda know if you have seeds to donate for the White Bluff
Library project. Seeds needed.
Susan Harbison talking with YMCA about doing a project with
them. Bernie Harris is also reaching out to Headstart about a
project. Volunteers needed for both.
Stephanie Tidwell spoke on Observations From My Garden,
6:45-6:55 pm.

Guest speaker, Deborah Rosenthal, presented Restorations Gone
Wild. 7:00- 7:50pm.
Meeting adjourned @ 7:50pm

October 2022 Meeting

This month our meeting will be held at TCAT (across from Lowe’s) on Tuesday, October 11th  beginning at 6 pm.  We start with an Add-a-Dish meal followed by a short business meeting and then a guest lecture.

Our meal theme is Something about Pumpkins…or maybe Squash? (we didn’t really nail that down at the board meeting)

Stephanie Tidwell will be sharing her thoughts in a short presentation: Observations from My Garden

Remember to bring your donations for the Help Center – this time of year is especially important – food resources are strained already and the holidays approach.

As always, adult guests are welcome to attend.

Our guest speaker is Deborah Rosenthal. This will be a great presentation that you won’t want to miss. Hope to see you all there!

Restorations Gone Wild!

How I Went from a Small Butterfly Garden
to 22 Acres of Restoration in Three Years

Deborah will talk about the four native plant restoration projects she has been involved with on her property in Dickson County. And, there’s a video! Deborah supplied a drone video of her first restoration that has recently become the most watched video on the chapter YouTube channel.

Deborah is a retired Appellate Court Attorney from Los Angeles.  She and her husband moved to White Bluff, Tennessee, in 2017 and quickly embraced the privilege of being land stewards. They started with 30 acres of mostly forest, and now manage 73 acres of forest, woodland and prairies.

Watch this short video clip for a drone view:

Drone video by Brent Wright (Nashville, TN) of Deborah Rosenthal’s new prairie installed with the help of Robert Hoffman and his colleagues at Roundstone Native Seed, LLC. This installation is almost one year old at the time of the video.

2nd Annual Plant Swap

Sponsored by Gardening Partners of Dickson County

Lakeview Park

October 8, 2022 10 am to 2 pm

Everyone is invited to the plant swap – you do not have to be a member of Gardening Partners to participate. You don’t even have to live in Dickson County.

Please keep an eye on your children, many plants are toxic and may have sharp leaves or thorns.

There are restrooms available at the pavilion and plenty of free parking

Gardening Partners will provide light refreshments.

Bring plants seeds, bulbs, divisions, cuttings, etc. Any garden-related items that are in good condition. All plant material must be properly labeled. All items are to be swapped – no sales are allowed.

Do not bring any diseased or insect-infested plants – you will be asked to remove any such plants.

The pavilion has tables available, but you can also bring your own tables to set up. There is plenty of space under the pavilion, on the parking lot, or on the grassy area behind the pavilion.

Cuttings: wait until the morning of the swap and immediately put them in water or wrap them in moist paper towels. Cuttings should have at least two nodes and please mark which end is the stem end.

Bulbs: should be cleaned and stored in paper bags with a label and the number enclosed

Seeds: should be dried and stored in labeled envelopes.

Potted plants: should be healthy, well-rooted, and labeled.

Keep plants or items you have swapped for under or behind your table or take them to your vehicle. Parking is close by, and this will keep your swaps safe.

Pre-swaps: A pre-swap is a plant swap made online (Facebook) before the scheduled plant swap date that will be picked up at the swap. You can also post your plant list so that others can request a pre-swap. Pre-swaps are especially handy if you are looking for a particular plant. Please keep your pre-swaps away from your other plants and make sure they are clearly marked with the person’s name. It may be a good idea to arrange a deadline for pickups so that you can swap any plants that are not picked up.

If you have leftover plants, you can donate them to other swappers or Gardening Partners by leaving them on the donate table.

Bring your questions – Gardening Partners will be on hand to help if we can.

Open the camera on your smartphone and point it at the image below:

This QR code will take you to our Facebook page.

Or use this link:

The Facebook page for Gardening Partners Plant Swap will allow you to post questions, post the plants you have to trade, post your list of plants you are looking for, and get to know your fellow plant swappers!